Each year in the last week of January the National Catholic Educational Association (NCEA) asks all Catholic schools to join them in celebrating Catholic Schools Week. The Archdiocese of New Orleans is proud to support the NCEA’s efforts of honoring our Catholic schools throughout the last week of January. Each year, the Office of Catholic Schools begins the important week by hosting a second collection at all masses the weekend before Catholic Schools Week. The second collection donations are to support the Office of Catholic Schools’
Champions of Catholic Education Fund.
Champions of Catholic Education Fund provides tuition assistance for families wanting to send their school-aged children to Catholic schools within the archdiocese and who, without financial assistance, would be unable to do so. While almost all schools offer some type of financial assistance, those resources do not meet the need of all students who request aid. The
Champions of Catholic Educations Fund exists to help fill that gap. Our annual second collection not only makes parishioners more aware of the fund, but also gives them the opportunity to help. The Office of Catholic Schools’ effort to assist families with tuition continues throughout the year, supporters of Catholic education always have the option to donate to the
Champions of Catholic Education Fund, through online giving here.
Continuing with the week of excitement, the Office of Catholic Schools host an Arts & Music Festival at Lakeside Shopping Center to feature the many talents of Catholic school students. Through art displays, choir performances, and dance team routines, the students are able to show off their passion for Catholic schools. From Monday – Thursday of Catholic Schools Week, schools from all over the city take trips to Lakeside Shopping Center to perform musical and dance numbers for family, friends, and shoppers. In addition, schools have their artwork and designs on display for all to enjoy.
Lastly, on the Friday of Catholic Schools Week, schools come together to celebrate a Mass with Archbishop Aymond. Each school in the Archdiocese of New Orleans sends representatives to the Mass, which is planned by the Office of Catholic Schools. Various schools are chosen to participate in the Mass through altar serving, reading, singing, or gift bearing. This year in order to show the growth of the Catholic Church in the City of New Orleans, each school had one representative present an emblem of their school as they processed into Church in front of Archbishop Aymond and all concelebrants.
At the Mass, Archbishop Aymond spoke about the growth of Catholicism in New Orleans throughout his homily. He stated that although our schools are spread throughout the entire Greater New Orleans area, we all come together as a community of faith and as one body. We may be many different schools, but we are one archdiocese. Through 300 years in the City of New Orleans the Catholic faith has been ever present and the growth of our schools are a direct representation of that. Students in Catholic schools are learning to be Disciples of Christ, which will give them the knowledge to keep the presence of Catholicism in New Orleans.
Our Catholic schools hosted many different events at their individual schools and learned all about the importance of a Catholic education, which will guide them to serve, learn, lead, and succeed. Catholic schools in the Archdiocese of New Orleans are able to continue as institutions of learning, love, and faith because of the support from the surrounding community.