The Archdiocese of New Orleans established the
Champions of Catholic Education Tuition Assistance Fund in 2015 through the Office of Catholic Schools and
The Catholic Foundation. The fund provides tuition assistance for families wanting to send their school-aged chidren to Catholic schools within the archdiocese and who, without financial assistance, would be unable to do so. While almost all schools offer some type of financial assistance, those resources do not meet the need of all students who request aid. The
Champions of Catholic Educations Fund exists to help fill that gap. Though it is impossible to make Catholic schools "more affordable", it is possible to make a Catholic education more accessible and available to those who truly want to benefit of attending a Catholic school.
Families are asked to submit an appplication for consideration, and every applicant is given equal consideration. The application process is open to all students in grades Kindergarten through 12th grade, and applicants must already be accepted into the Catholic school of their choice. The application for the 2018-2019 school year will be available in Spring 2018.
To be a
Champion of Catholic Education for students in a NOLA Catholic School, you can make a gift online
here or contact The Catholic Foundation at (504) 596-3045.