"Empowering Church Leaders to Address Racism" Sponsored by: the Catholic Mobilizing Network, the National Federation of Catholic Youth Ministry, the United States Catholic Mission Association, and USCCB
Moderator: Michael Theisen, NFCYM
The bishops of the United States of America, at their November 2018 meeting, approved “Open Wide Our Hearts, the Enduring Call to Love – A Pastoral Letter Against Racism.”
The purpose of this webinar is threefold:
1) to introduce the main themes of the pastoral letter,
2) consider how to implement the pastoral letter from the perspective of restorative justice, youth ministry, and mission, and to,
3) begin a conversation about racism and our personal and collective response.
Kevin will provide some practical ideas to get us started in the collaborative work of bringing an anti-racist approach to our work in faith formation. The presentation will address some important current topics such as systemic racism, implicit bias, and police brutality. It will also include a suggestion from the U.S. bishops on how to move forward together in the work of creating a more just and peaceful society, emphasize the importance of opportunities for family faith-sharing and prayer, and address the variety of learning methods that parishes are experiencing today.